
Output module plc

Power amplifier components output module plc has a high-power transistors and FET driven DC load, triac drive AC loads, and both can drive an AC load and can drive a small relay DC load. Output current is typically 0.3 ~ 2A, load power is provided by an external field.
Relay output circuit. Internal circuit relay coil is energized, its normally open contacts closed, the external load electrical work. Meanwhile relay from isolation and power amplification, each way just to provide a pair of normally open contacts. And contact parallel RC circuit and varistor to eliminate Tun arc generated when the contacts open, in order to reduce the interference of its CPU.
Is the transistor collector output circuit. . plc communication module to the internal circuit output latch, and then the optical coupler to the output transistor, which saturated conduction state and an OFF state corresponds to turn on and off contacts. Figure regulator to suppress external shutdown and overvoltage surge voltage to protect the transistor, the transistor output circuit delay time. Structure and the transistor output circuit FET communication modules plc is substantially the same.

