
PLC basic instruction Overview

FX series plc temperature control module basic logic instructions 20 or 27, stepping instruction 2, features more than 100 instructions (different series vary).
FX2N plc intelligent controller a total of 27 basic logic instructions, which contains 20 basic logic instructions some sub-series PLC Programmable Logic Controller.
Instruction fetch and output instruction (LD / LDI / LDP / LDF / OUT)
(1) LD (instruction fetch) a normally open contact and left instruction bus connection, a normally open contact each logical row starting with this directive.
(2) LDI (negated instruction) a normally closed contact and left the bus connection instruction, a normally closed contact each logical row starting with this directive.
(3) LDP (transition instruction fetch) normally open contact with the left leading edge detection instruction bus connected only at the rising edge of the specified bit device is turned on when a scan cycle (from the OFF → ON).
(4) LDF (falling instruction fetch) normally closed contacts of falling edge detection instruction and left the bus connection.
(5) OUT (output command) coil for driving instruction, also known as output instruction.

